With winter conditions affecting a large portion of the country, colder temperatures have placed an expanded emphasis on the function of HVAC units, particularly in relation to heating. Heating costs naturally rise in the winter as businesses compensate for the temperature change by forcing heated air into their facilities.
While 40 percent of all electricity consumed by commercial buildings is due to HVAC systems, the winter exacerbates the issue of heating dramatically, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. Further, nearly half of a building's energy use is derived from either heating or lighting, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
Engineers rely on booster coils to enhance heat-transfer levels inside an HVAC unit. Outside air is filtered into the unit whereby it is run over a series of booster coils, which raise the temperature of the air to a desired setting. Because booster coils have many bends and returns, air comes in contact with heat at a higher level, thus improving the transfer of heat.
This process is initiated by forcing hot water or steam through the coil itself. These HVAC coils are typically made from aluminum with fins that help regulate air flow.
Updating equipment
The problem with booster coils is that improper maintenance and harsh weather conditions can severely inhibit their capacity to function at a high rate. The result is a loss of necessary heat transfer and an overall deterioration of an HVAC unit's ability to heat a room. During winter, this can create a series of problems related to indoor air quality, temperature controls and the condition of the products, equipment and materials that are housed in a certain area.
If fins are bent, then air flow will be constricted, preventing the air from heating and forcing the unit to work harder, thus consuming more energy. Rahn Industries specializes in manufacturing replacement coils in heavy-duty industries, with a particular focus on booster coils.
Booster coils from Rahn can be installed with one-, two-, three- or four-row designs depending on a company's specifications. Coils are also available as single or double feeds, with multiple circuit manifolds to improve heat transfer.
Only relying on the top materials and standards, Rahn can ship booster coils quickly, allowing engineers the chance to replace damaged parts with industry-leading coils. After installation, the HVAC unit as a whole can be expected to perform at a more efficient rate while regulating heat controls just in time for the winter season.
Rahn offers a host of HVAC services, including a full lineup of spray and immersion (dip)/ Bake protective coatings to meet your needs.